Friday, February 15, 2008

A date!

Last night, hubby and I got to go on an actual date, without the Little Bit. It was... nice to not have to keep picking pieces of food up off the floor, and to not have to move at the speed of light to keep everything out of his reach. We went to:

We got to sit with another nice young couple and have some adult conversation, but guess what we talked about the most? Our kids, of course...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hippie Pants.

Because of the shortage of clothes for short fat hippies, I made myself a pair of bell bottoms for my 70's themed work meeting next week. As an amateur seamstress, I was unsure how they would turn out, but I've decided that I have mad hippie pants skills. These are CUTE!

I saw some pretty much like this on selling for $60-75 a pop, so mayb e when I'm done with them, I'll make a little $$$ off them...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My hair.

I dyed my hair a new color this week. It's a lovely chestnutty brown, with glistening red highlights. While admiring it in the glaring lights of my bathroom, I noticed something amazing. My new hair color was an absolute, perfect match...

for my mustache.

Damn, I hate getting old.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I had something of a revelation today. See, I am constantly concerned about what kind of mother I am. I always worry that I'm not patient enough, or creative enough, or that I don't have enough time to spend with Zackie, or that he's not eating right, or brushing his teeth enough, or that his hair sticks up funny, or his clothes don't match... Well, you get the picture.

But today, in a fit of panic, I realized that I will NEVER KNOW FOR SURE if I'm a good mother. Oh, if I'm not, and he shoots up a school campus someday, or robs a bunch of liquor stores, I'll be pretty sure that I'n NOT a good mother, but I WILL NEVER KNOW if I'm getting it right.

There are no performance evaluations for this job.

No semi annual reviews to let you know how it's going.

No weekly touch base meetings to let you know what needs to be done next.

And I guess that's why being a parent is the hardest job in the world.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

I'm a little confused about the 70's.

Well, I guess a lot of people are, really. See, here's the problem. I have a qork related meeting coming up at the end of February, and we have "theme" days. Day one is Seventies day. Jennifer and I were going to be Charlie's Angels, but we can't find a third, so it looks like we're kind of back to standard hippie attire. I have spent hours looking at vintage clothes online, but can't find anything suitable (that means, that will go over my formidable behind). The problem is, there were apparently no short, fat hippies. I wonder what the short fat people wore in the 70's? Housedresses, maybe?

So, I think I'm just going to have to dust off the sewing machine and make my own clothes. I found this link on some teenybopper craft website, and it doesn't look too difficult, so I'll give it a try.

Day two is sports day.


Sunday, February 3, 2008

My baby's turning 2.

My baby will be two today. It’s hard to believe how much my life has changed in just two short years.

If I would have realized how much free time I actually had before I had a baby, I could have saved the world, or at least had clean toilets all the time.

If I would have realized how much joy and love a baby brings, I would have had one a long time ago.

Happy Birthday, Zackie.

Mommy loves you very much.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Have you ever noticed...

That these guys

Sound an awfully lot like these guys?

I'm just sayin'...


I had to turn in a self evaluation to my boss today, and I'd just like to state for the record, that whoever originally thought it was a good idea to have evaluate YOURSELF was an insane self-flagellating narcissist of the worst kind. I mean really, come on people, how could I possibly have any idea how I did?

One of two things is likely to happen when you ask someone to rate his or her own performance. He/she will either take the "I'm a useless, sucking piece of crap" route, or, more likely, the "I walk on water and all the good ideas were mine, AND you're lucky to have me" route.

Being me, of course, I took the useless sucking route, but about half way through, I erased the entire thing and started over. Really, I'm pretty good at what I do. And for once I decided to take credit for it...