Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I had something of a revelation today. See, I am constantly concerned about what kind of mother I am. I always worry that I'm not patient enough, or creative enough, or that I don't have enough time to spend with Zackie, or that he's not eating right, or brushing his teeth enough, or that his hair sticks up funny, or his clothes don't match... Well, you get the picture.

But today, in a fit of panic, I realized that I will NEVER KNOW FOR SURE if I'm a good mother. Oh, if I'm not, and he shoots up a school campus someday, or robs a bunch of liquor stores, I'll be pretty sure that I'n NOT a good mother, but I WILL NEVER KNOW if I'm getting it right.

There are no performance evaluations for this job.

No semi annual reviews to let you know how it's going.

No weekly touch base meetings to let you know what needs to be done next.

And I guess that's why being a parent is the hardest job in the world.

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