My mind was already going through my repritoire of interesting, exotic, tasty dishes that wouldn't clash TOO badly with the traditional ham dinner... "I signed us up for corn." Hubby proudly announced.
"You signed us up for CORN!!!???!?!?!?" What was this man thinking? "You can't win with CORN!"
In his defense, Hubby was genuinely confused. "Win what?" he asked innocently.
"Win the Potluck! Win at life!" I shrieked. After living with me (on and off, of course) for the past 15 years, how could he not realize that life is a competition to me? How could he not understand that, as a pretty darn good cook, I needed to have the opportunity to shine at any gathering that was deemed "potluck?" How could he possibly think I could win with CORN?
"well, I know you're busy, and I thought corn would be easy," was the (damnit, really really sincere) reply.
Ok, lesson learned.
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