Friday, January 25, 2008

I think my cat's depressed...

Maybe even suicidal.

Here's the background.

About 14 years or so ago, my hubby and I brought home an adorable little bundle of fur. He was all fluffy and cute and he loved to climb on your shoulder and sit in your lap. We gave him a really special name - Tiberius Faulkner Johnson Davis. He was the light of our lives, the apple of our eyes, and most importantly, he was the ONLY ONE.

Well, over the years, a few things changed. We moved some (very traumatic for him), and a few other cats came and more importantly, went. But still, he was the ONE.

Until one day, almost two years ago, things changed forever.

Zackie was born, and suddenly, Tiberius wasn't the most important one anymore. Heck, he wasn't even Tiberius. Now, he's just "Cat."

This is truly a term on endearment, but the Cat doesn't see it that way.

He (the Cat, not the kid) now takes every available opportunity to try to escape. Where he's trying to go, I'm not sure, but I suspect he has a lead on a nice time share in Florida where all the residents are older, the sun shines all the time, and no one has the energy or the desire to chase him around and grab his tail.

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