Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What's YOUR favorite cake from a movie or tv show?

Every Monday morning, I gather my managers together (there are eight of us in all) to have a meeting to discuss the next week's business. It is my job, as their leader, to keep the conversations relevant, flowing smoothly, and did I mention relevant? That's why it surprises me, in retrospect, that we spent thirty minutes of our two hour meeting discussing what our favorite cake from a movie or tv show was. There were some votes for some cake from the Lord of The Rings (I personally fell asleep before the infamous "cake" scene). Someone mentioned the FBI cake from The Silence of the Lambs, and all in attendance agreed that it was, indeed, a fine cake. However, the winner, hands down, was the Bleeding Armadillo cake from Steel Magnolias.

The most bizarre part is that I did not realize until much, much later, how strange the whole conversation was...

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