Over the past 15 years or so, I have watched enough of the Sci-Fi Channel with Hubby that I can now speak intelligently about alternate time lines, disruptions of the Space Time Continuum, and the Butterfly Effect to hold my own in a group of Trekkie's. I mean, I don't have Spock ears or anything, for God's sake, but I'm pretty well versed. (Ok, I really do have Spock ears, but I don't WEAR them or anything. Very often.)
And it made me wonder...
What would my life be like now if, oh, say I'd married my high school sweetheart?
Let me give you a little background on... for the purposes of this post, let's call him Stud Muffin. See, Stud Muffin and I started "going together" at the tender age of 13, and we dated all through high school, and even into my first year of college. Stud Muffin had some things going for him. He was really, really hot. I mean, really hot. He was tall, and dark, and ripped, and he had a mullet that could melt butter. It was lust at first sight. And he always has some classic car or other in the works. Old souped up Novas and Chevelles were our typical date cars. But there were a few issues, shall we say. For one, he wasn't very smart. Not just "I'm having a hard time getting the answer to this algebra equation" not smart, but more like "I'm going to have to go to the class with the boy who drools and throws shit and humps the teacher" not smart. For two, his main ambition in life was to someday own his own junkyard, just like his big brother. It's like the redneck American Dream or something.
To say that Stud Muffin and I had little in common would be something of an understatement. However, we did manage to date for six years, which is longer than Hubby and I stayed married the first time. Go figure.
But I digress. I'm here to talk about what my life would have been like had I married Stud Muffin.
I can only imagine that he would have realized his lifelong dream of being the youngest junkyard owner in the tricounty area. We would have pulled our like-new double wide (only the best for his woman) near the property, in order to defend the 'Yard from would-be looters. I hear tell that a catalytic converter brings a pretty penny on the black market, and a man's got a right to defend what's HIS, by God.

My double wide would be painstakingly decorated with lace covered teddy bears, which would have all been crafted with love by Stud Muffin's Momma, who, by the way, would pull her somewhat smaller but no less stylishly appointed single wide into our back yard.